Remote access to administrative systems kent state. Kent state university library university libraries is committed to serving students and ensuring their success. Now when you try to access one of the librarys databases or content, you will be prompted to login to ksu proxy with your flashline username and password. At the division of information services, we provide the. University libraries kent state university libraries. As of august 2016, kent state users do not need to download and use the vpn in order to access the library s databases or resources. Kent state university libraries has 20 repositories available.
Kent eng otto marte karen pratt north academic center room 4225 160 convent avenue new york, ny 10031. Flashline provides kent state university students, faculty and staff with worldclass intranet and internet services. Kent state university currently does not have licenses for stata. Kent school district schools and offices are closed through the end of the 20192020 school year.
Working and teaching remotely southeast missouri state. Orders are placed directly through the stata web site, and once the order is processed, the software can be downloaded immediately. Jan 17, 2020 download the vpn virtual private network to gain offcampus access kent state universitys collection of electronic library resources. You will be required to provide proof of your academic affiliation to register an account on this site. Online master of library and information science kent state.
Is a replacement for the cisco anyconnect vpn, which will be phased out by the end of 2018 fall semester. Connecting to university resources kent state university. Software for students and staff the guide university of kent. Software for students the city college of new york. Online library resources such as research databases, electronic journals, electronic books, and streaming audio and video are available to all current kent state students and employees. The benefit of using the vpn, as opposed to the ohiolink authentication method explained below is that, once installed and running, your computer will act as if it is oncampus, and you will have access. Submit questions or request support related to your kent state adobe creative cloud personal subscription. Data analysis gsu library research guides georgia state. Software ehhs it services software installed on new ehhs computer installations software available without charges for installation on universityowned computers software available for installation on universityowned computers with an associated cost adobe. Downloading forticlient vpn for personal computers. What is my default password and how do i change it. Request a license key for the camtasia screencasting application forticlient vpn offsite resource access. Additional media equipment and technician support can be requested. What technology will work on the university of kent campus.
About training and instruction attend a workshop or request instruction. Understand the properties, uses, and impact of the programs used to implement software and use that understanding to create new programs or improve existing ones. In fall 2016, ksu proxy replaced the ksu vpn as the preferred method for remote library access. For some services, off campus access is available if you install our vpn, others are available through a web browser jump to accessibility statement jump to content the university of kent. Kansas state universitys information technology services its is committed to providing excellent it services to the k state community in support of the teaching, learning, research and service missions of our university. Truman state university vpn documentation truman state universitys virtual private network vpn is available to students, faculty and staff to provide a secure network connection between your offsite computer system and resources on the local truman network. These resources include library databases, shared network drives, and administrative systems. Nov 14, 2018 as of august 2016, kent state users do not need to download and use the vpn in order to access the library s databases or resources. Some find the ksu vpn complicated to use, requiring users to download and install software for access. As of august 2016, kent state users do not need to download and use the vpn in order to access the librarys databases or resources.
Now when you try to access one of the library s databases or content, you will be prompted to login to ksu proxy with your flashline username and password. Connecting to university resources working from offsite best practices and recommendations for connecting to university resources only connect to trusted networks i. As opposed to the vpn, you will not need to install any software, however, you will only. These rooms have tables that seat four and whiteboards on the wall. Guests of the university can obtain a temporary password for msus wireless network at any public service desk. Use your flashline username and password to login to the site. Software available through eacademy includes microsoft office, microsoft windows, and. Kent state university recommends that students, faculty and staff download for free, microsoft security essentials or sophos antivirus mac software onto their personally owned computers. Its offers a wide range of information, technology, and communications services through seven service units.
An easytouse digital resource featuring ageappropriate, reliable, curriculumrelated content covering a broad range of educational topics. Use antivirus software and make sure the software is kept uptodate on a regular schedule. Free meals are available to all children 018 years old at select school and community locations. University libraries, 1125 risman drive, kent, oh 442420001. The benefit of using the vpn, as opposed to the ohiolink authentication method explained below is that, once installed and running, your computer will act as if it is oncampus, and you will have access to all licensed resources.
Kent state universitys eightcampus system, one of the largest regional systems in the country, serves both the development of a true livinglearning approach at the kent campus and regional needs on seven other campuses throughout northeast ohio. You must be a member of an academic organization to qualify for the software discounts offered on this webstore. To get the vpn software, you must be a k state student or employee with an active k state eid and have an internet connection. Information technology it state management, security and authentication, sql and object data sources. Learn more and find out about remote access for library services. Search kentlink for books and other materials available through university libraries.
Enroll today to start pursuing your future at one of the best colleges in ohio. Forticlient vpn is the new vpn client provided by the university. Kent, ohio 44242 mailing address po box 5190 kent, oh 442420001. You can borrow a windows laptop in the templeman library and drill hall library. About consulting services meet with a consultant in person or through skype. Kent state university eacademy eacademy has many software products available for a discounted educational price.
The film, photographed, compiled and edited by kent state students and faculty, explores. Individuals are strictly prohibited from loaning such software or making a copy for anyone else. By comparison, research management software builds a permanent database of references, which can then be used to generate citations and references. Work and study from home off campus university of kent. I obtained my phd degree at the department of computer science and engineering, hong kong university of science and technology hkust, under the supervision of dr.
From oncampus, you must use a computer or device connected to the universitys network through a. Kentlink library catalog of kent state university basic. However, kent state faculty, staff, and current students can purchase s. Welcome to kent state university, and best of luck in your mmme program.
If you need to share a link to a kent state university libraries resource the link should be proxied. As such, we are instrumental in enabling the daytoday activities of our university community. Four group study rooms in the main library can now be scheduled. This is extremely useful when you need access to services and resources only available on the campus network or if your work computer has specialized software not available on your home computer. Kent state stark vpn download information download the vpn virtual private network to gain offcampus access kent state universitys collection of electronic library resources. Rooms 212 and 2 are located across from the elevators on the second floor. Welcome to xiang lians homepage kent state university. Remote access using the ksu cisco vpn virtual private networks to help prevent unauthorized access of sensitive employee and student data, connections to severaluniversityadministrativesystems see list below are onlypermittedfromoncampus by default.
Research databases alphabetical list cleveland state university. Close locations overview library locations at the kent campus. Educational software entertainment software games business software. The guide is organized by the following categories. Apr 20, 2017 as of august 2016, kent state users do not need to download and use the vpn in order to access the library s databases or resources.
Graduate programs gps roadmap kent state university. Download the vpn virtual private network to gain offcampus access kent state universitys collection of electronic library resources. Download the vpn from the software catalog by searching forticlient then. Free apps smartphones and other mobile devices are becoming an increasingly intrinsic part of our everyday lives. Software available through eacademy includes microsoft office, microsoft windows, and vmware fusion. Open access, subscriptionbased, or hybrid ejournals and other serial publications. Connect from offcampus kent state university libraries. Rooms 215 and 216 are located near the main microforms area on the second floor. Jcu its manages site licenses for commonly used software programs for math and statistics, science and engineering, bibliography management, security, online surveys, and other areas. It 11002 or it 20021 or cs 01 or dsci 15310 or cis 24065. Spacefinder tracks and reserves rooms for events on campus. Remote access using the ksu cisco vpn virtual private networks to help prevent unauthorized access of sensitive employee and student data, connections to several university administrative systems see list below are only permitted from oncampus by default. Free office 365 is now also available to research postgraduates and staff. Apr 12, 2020 spss is on all of the university library computers its listed as ibm spss.
I obtained my bachelors degree from the department of computer science and technology, nanjing university in june 2003. With more than 700 students enrolled, slis has the largest graduate program at kent state. Ksu proxy allows users to securely connect to databases, electronic journals, ebooks, and streaming media services without installing complicated thirdparty software. Updates will be shared and frequently asked questions will be answered as necessary. Library resources should be accessed using the ksu proxy. I am new to kent state and have never logged into flashline before. Apr 01, 2020 download the vpn virtual private network to gain offcampus access kent state universitys collection of electronic library resources. Statistical consulting kent state university libraries.
For guides on setting up a vpn connection, see vpn instructions. Collections that can include digitized versions of photographs, artwork, and other scanned images. Access to download software from the ocio site is restricted to current ohio state university faculty, staff, and students. You can use word, powerpoint, excel and the rest of the office suite on a combination of personal devices and universityowned. Provides access to personal accounts of the may 4, 1970, shootings and their aftermath. Students and staff can use the vpn virtual private network to access. We help clients at any stage of the research process learn how to use statistical and qualitative data analysis software. Information technology services kansas state university. You do not need to download or install any special software in order to use the proxy. Connect to the msu network mississippi state university. The anyconnect vpn will be turned off on june 30, 2020. Virtual private networking kansas state university.
To be able to connect to eduroam university wifi or the vpn access to the network from off campus. Degree level associate bachelors certificate doctoral masters minor. You can create the proxied link by submitting the url to the resource in the textfield below. If youre offcampus, youll also need to download and login to the vpn. The librarians from kent states performing arts library have created resources for distance education music majors guide with the links and resources presented here, and more. Open the forticlient console from the program menu or the icon in the system tray next to the clock, click on remote access. How to obtain research software where to obtain free or discounted. Confrontation at kent state the new york public library. Connect your laptop or mobile device wirelessly to the campus network from anywhere in mitchell memorial library, college of architecture, art and design library, and college of veterinary medicine library guests of the university can obtain a temporary password for msus wireless network at any public service desk.
Via the vlab virtual desktop environment if youre offcampus, youll also need to download and login to the vpn. Finding articles finding articles kent state university. Offcampus access information kent state university. As a top ohio undergraduate and graduate school, kent state s eight campuses offer the resources of a large university with the friendly atmosphere of a liberal arts college. Consult the help page for more information about how to register. Information technology kent campus the division of information services is is responsible for the strategy, planning, and delivery of information technology across all eight kent state university campuses and their respective satellite locations. Quick guide to what technology you can use on the canterbury or medway campus at the university of kent.
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